Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Metrics and Tools for Success

Measuring customer satisfaction is important because it allows businesses to gauge what customers are saying about their brand, products, and/or services. This can help in a variety of ways. For example, it can help businesses:

  • understand their reputation among consumers;

  • create a base of loyal customers;

  • improve products, services, and overall customer experience.

So how can you measure customer satisfaction? Let’s dig into metrics and tools for success! 

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a single question survey which asks, “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?” Consumers will then rate this likelihood on a scale from 1-10 (1 being the lowest score and 10 the highest). This survey rates how likely a customer is likely to recommend a business, product, or service. For a full breakdown on how to use this metric, click here


Surveys are a relatively quick and easy way to measure customer satisfaction. Ultimately it’s up to you as a business owner how often you want to send out customer surveys, but generally speaking, you want to do it when the experience is still pretty fresh in the consumer's mind. Here are a few examples of times when you may want to send out a survey.

  • After a service:  sending a survey after a service allows consumers to give you feedback while the service experience is still fresh in their mind.

  • After a product purchase:  In this case, when you send the survey may vary. For example, if a customer has purchased a product in store, you may want to send it shortly after the purchase either on its own as a follow up or in addition to an e-receipt. If a customer makes an online purchase, you may want to follow up after they’ve received the product.

  • After an issue has been addressed/resolved; It’s not uncommon to receive a bad review or feedback and it doesn’t have to be the end of the world either. There are ways to remedy some situations, so another great time to issue a customer service is after an issue has been addressed and resolved. This will give you an idea if the solutions you offer satisfy the customer and will give you an idea of how you can further improve your services, products, and even in some cases, your approach.

Regardless of when you send out a survey, we suggest that you try to keep it on the shorter side, but there are always exceptions… for example, if you’re doing product testing and have given part of your consumer base a product to try, or if you have a small group doing “mystery shopping” you may want to have a more thorough survey.


How often do you look at your reviews? You should be keeping an eye on website reviews, Google reviews, and, if applicable, reviews on other websites that sell your products. These can give you some insight into what others think of your products and services and if there are areas for improvement.

Do you want to get more reviews? Check out our blog 4 ways to get more quality product reviews

Social Listening Tools

Consumers don’t only use websites and Google to review businesses, they also often talk about businesses on social media, so if you aren’t looking at what people are saying on social media, you could be missing out on some great insights and feedback. One way that you can keep track of what people are saying about your brand on socials is by usingsocial listening tools. Social listening tools allow you to monitor what people are saying about your business online. Click here to learn more about social listening tools

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