Pros and Cons of marketing automation

AUTOMATION. You can’t get away from it regardless of what industry you’re in. We’re constantly finding ways to put in less effort for a bigger return on investment. Put nicely… we’re trying to streamline processes to enhance efficiency… Automation has become a hot button topic when it comes to marketing and there are many tools out there for businesses to automate many marketing processes – from email marketing to customer service, and everything in between. However, like any tool, marketing automation comes with its own set of pros and cons that businesses must carefully consider before implementation.

If you’re considering marketing automation as part of your strategy, here are some pros and cons to help you make the final decision.


  1. It’s more efficient: From scheduling social media posts to sending personalized email campaigns, automation can help to streamline repetitive tasks that can take up a lot of time.

  2. More opportunities for personalization: It all comes down to the data you’re collecting and what you do with it. From personalized content to tailored brand experiences, automation paired with customer data and behaviour insights can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates if you’re leveraging personal preferences.

  3. Improved lead management: Your leads will receive the right message at the right time if you rely on automated workflows.

  4. Cost savings over time: Many automation strategies will require some setup costs, however if you’re able to improve efficiency you can reduce manual labour costs and allocate your resources more effectively.


  1. Can be complex to set up properly: There are so many tools and integrated platforms that it can be hard to know which one(s) to use, how to set it up properly, and how to optimize it over time. For many, selecting and learning how to use a new platform can be a challenge.

  2. Risk of over-automation: While automation can help you create more personalization, there is a risk that too much can lead to a lack of personalization and authenticity. You run the risk of alienating your customers.

  3. You may become the spam you hate: Without careful monitoring and oversight, marketing automation can lead to spammy or overly promotional messaging. Even if you’re introducing automation into your strategy, don’t forget about the human side of customer relationship building.

  4. Can limit creativity: Sometimes you need to be creative with your customer interactions, and that requires more of a human touch. Be careful not to rely on automation too much because it can put you in a box when it comes to your interactions.

While automation can be super helpful in creating successful marketing strategies, it’s important to ensure it’s not being relied on too much. It is a tool that should ENHANCE your strategy, not be the sole focus of it.

What is your experience with automation? Do you love it or hate it? Tell us in the comments!


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