My favourite Halloween movies and what businesses can learn from them

It’s officially the first day of autumn and while the gift-giving season and winter holidays are only a few months away, we’re also quickly approaching the holiday that is my personal favourite and that’s Halloween!

Don’t get me wrong, I love the winter holidays, but when I think of the most wonderful time of the year, I’m daydreaming about pumpkins, the changing leaves, and all things spooky. If, like me, you love Halloween, you might also love turning down the lights and watching your favourite Halloween movies.

Let’s take a look at a few of my favourite movies to watch during the Halloween season that can also teach you a thing or two about business!

Hocus Pocus

I had to mention this Halloween classic first because it’s my absolute favourite. Hocus Pocus is about three witches in the 17th century who steal the souls of children to remain young. 300 years after they were hanged, a skeptical teenager (Max) brings the witches back by lighting the black flamed candle. With the help of his crush Allison, his little sister Dani, a zombie named Billy, and a black cat named Binx, Max sets out to stop the witches as they work to steal the souls of all the children in Salem!

The lesson:

There are a few lessons here from both our heroes and our witches. Let’s take look at our witches first. After they come into the 1990’s they have to adapt to some changes. For example, they no longer have all their trusty brooms, instead they use a broom, a mop, and a vacuum – the lesson here? Don’t be afraid to adapt and come up with creative solutions! As mentioned, both in 1690’s and in 1990’s, the witches want to stay young forever and ultimately meet their end. This brings us to two lessons, first, don’t be afraid to change things up and most importantly, don’t try to be something or someone you’re not!

Now onto our heroes. Although Max brings back three witches hell bent on stealing souls, the risk he takes by lighting the candle also leads to new friendships being formed, creative solutions to keep the witches away, and happy endings for our characters. The lesson here is don’t be afraid to take a risk, there may be some bumps along the way, but there’s a lot to gain as well.

The Shining

The Shining is a CLASSIC horror movie (and novel by Stephen King) so you’re probably familiar with it – but in case you haven’t seen it or read it – I’m going to give you a brief synopsis. Writer Jack Torrance becomes the winter caretaker for the secluded Overlook Hotel in Colorado and in doing so, he hopes to cure his writer’s block. While living at the hotel with his family, Jack is driven insane by spirits. After his wife finds the typewriter he’s been working on, he tries to murder his family... Did we mention his son also has psychic abilities? Anyway, terrific movie if you haven’t seen it!

The lesson:

In the film, Jack’s wife Wendy finds his typewriter where he’s written “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” The lesson is in Jack’s writing. As a business owner, things can get very overwhelming, so it’s important for you to disconnect and take a break from work – because all work and no play can be boring and can make you boring but more importantly, it can take a toll on your mental health.

IT (2017)

Another film based on a hit Stephen King novel, It is about a group of young outcasts and friends (aka the Losers Club) who live in the fictional town of Derry, Maine. Every 27 years, a shapeshifting creature, often appearing as the clown Pennywise, awakens from it’s sleep (or hibernation) to feed on humans, particularly children this time around. As Pennywise torments the town, the children have to face their fears to defeat Pennywise.

The lesson:

Just like our heroes in the Losers Club, as a business owner, you often have to face your personal fears to succeed.

The Simpson’s – Treehouse of Horrors (Any and all of them)

Ok, so this last one isn’t a movie BUT The Simpson’s Treehouse of Horrors specials are one of my favourite Halloween specials to watch during this time of year and I often rewatch old episodes – so it’s going on the list! The Simpson’s have been on forever, so you’ve probably seen one of their Halloween specials before – each special consists of a few different stories, which are often parodies of other horror works such as The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe, Night of the Living Dead, The Shining, and more.

The lesson:

Don’t be afraid to get inspiration or reuse things that work! For example, you can repurpose content (I.e., turn blogs into Instagram carousels or infographics). You can even riff of what has worked for others – we don’t suggest outright copying someone else but it’s ok to take inspiration from them!

Although I’m sure I can go on and on, let’s leave it there for now, but we’d love to know, what are your favourite Halloween films and specials?!


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